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BAFA subsidy programme


BAFA subsidy programme

Save up to  20 % for the optimisation of your heating system now.

Often outdated technology and uncoordinated plant parts lead to excessive energy consumption. However, many homeowners are reluctant to renovate the heating system because they fear high expenditures.

Against this background, the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) has launched a support programme for heating optimisation. The aim of the funding programme is to motivate homeowners to renew their heating system through attractive, non-repayable subsidies. Among other things, this will make an important contribution to the environmentally friendly heat supply in Germany.

What is subsidised? And does the subsidy also apply to alre products?

In January 2021, the grant for individual measures in the Federal Support for Efficient Buildings (BEG EM) was introduced.

Within the framework of the BAFA subsidy, two measures for heating optimization are subsidized by the state at a rate of 20 percent:

  • Replacement of heating circulation pumps and hot water circulation pumps by more efficient pumps
  • Hydraulic balancing (heating system must be at least two years old)

For heating optimisation by hydraulic adjustment, you can also have our energy-saving alre controllers (from FTR-101 to the b@home system) installed by a specialist technician. The acquisition and installation costs are also subsidized at 20 percent. The Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings – Individual Measures (BEG EM) came into force in January 2021 for which applications can be made to the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).

All applications for funding must be submitted to BAFA before the start of the project! (This means that tenders may be obtained and planning services provided, but the contract must not have been placed with the craft enterprise.) Information, leaflets and the application form can be found here.

KfW-supplementar credit

Anyone installing environomentally-sound heating and needing a loan in addition to the BAFA grant, can apply to the KfW and their Energy Efficient Sanitising – Supplementary Credit programme.

Step 1:

Register on the BAFA website

Step 2:

Contract a special ist technician and optimise the heating system

Step 3:

Submit of the subsidy application and invoice copy

Information, explanatory notes and the application form can be found here.


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